
Graphic novel

Accidentally releasing the souls of 117 executed killers from Hell would ruin anybody's day. But for prison undertaker Frank Timmons, that's just the beginning of his troubles. During their first murder spree, the undead killers have slain his beloved Dorothy, and the only way he can save her soul is to track them all down and send them back where they belong! Written by veteran storyteller and artist Shannon Eric Denton (The Revenant) and novelist/comic book writer Jeff Mariotte (Desperadoes), Graveslinger features dynamic art by John Cboins and Nima Sorat.

Length: 140 Pages

Authors: Shannon Eric Denton (Author), Jeff Mariotte (Author), John Cboins (Illustrator), Nima Sorat (Illustrator), Francesco Francavilla (Contributor), Patrick Coyle (Contributor), Kristen Fitzner Denton (Contributor), Ed Dukeshire (Contributor)

Date Published:
May 20, 2020
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