In a world robbed of its heroes, a young man inherits the powers of the last great superteam and must decide if he will be it ...
The Intergalactic Robot-Wars are over. In the aftermath, planetary systems have collapsed and power hungry despots rush to fill the void. A new era of space-pirates, gun-running robots, and corrupt kingdoms has risen up creating the need for those bold enough to protect those who can't protect themselves. Beware despots, villains, and thugs because the Roxi Rangers have arrived!
Length: 64 pages
Authors: Kyle Jolly (Author), Shannon Eric Denton (Author), Travis Moore (Illustrator)
In a world robbed of its heroes, a young man inherits the powers of the last great superteam and must decide if he will be it ...
Eric Siders wants nothing more than to escape the confines of the small mining community he calls home but fate has something ...
This is the second ALT cover of Spectrum #1 featuring the art of famed comic book artist Colleen Doran.