This is a rare ALT cover to the origin story found in issue #0. This comic was first featured on Free Comic Day where over 10 ...
Flynn Friedrich was built for speed. He has never met a race he couldn't win. But there's one thing he isn't fast enough to outrun...his destiny. Flynn is the latest host of "The Road Rager", an immortal, monstrously powerful supernatural entity made entirely of momentum and fueled by the will of the greatest racers who ever lived. Nipping at his heels are a gang of evil bikers, "The Dark Drivers", who will stop at nothing--including using the darkest black magick--to take that power for themselves and use it to conquer the world. Does Flynn have what it takes to kick these evildoers to the curb? It's time to put the pedal to the metal and find out!
Length: 112 pages
Author: Eric M Esquivel with Shannon Eric Denton
This is a rare ALT cover to the origin story found in issue #0. This comic was first featured on Free Comic Day where over 10 ...
If you missed it on Free Comic Book Day, here is the full issue that started it all for Spectrum.